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Widen your talent pool

Widen your talent pool by removing any unfair and unnecessary barriers that could unintentionally prevent the employment of talented people. 

Attract a diverse range of candidates for your roles and hire people previously underrepresented in your workforce. People from all backgrounds can have the right values to work in social care and bring a wealth of perspectives, ideas and 'lived experience' to your workforce.


Using social media to support recruitment 

We're pleased to share a new series of videos featuring expert guidance and top tips to make the most of social media. Our 'Using social media for care recruitment' series is available now.

To support these recordings our partners, Like Mind Media, are offering drop-in sessions where you can ask questions about how you can use social media more effectively in your recruitment. The first one takes place on Thursday 18 April 2024.


Recruiting temporary staff

Our 'Recruiting temporary staff checklist' can advise you through this process to ensure you recruit safely and effectively. Our 'Safer recruitment checklist' also offers guidence to ensure roles that involve safeguarding adults or children are recruited into safely.



Employing men

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Sanjay Dhrona, managing director at The Close and a director of The Outstanding Society, shares his experience of recruiting more men into his service.


Employing people with criminal records

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Implement safe and fair recruitment policies and procedures while carrying out effective risk assessments on applicants who have criminal records to make informed decisions about their suitability for the job.

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Download our bitesize infographic for information around employing people with criminal records, disabilities, mental health conditions or those with temporary accommodation. 

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This leaflet addresses the eligibility of a range of roles across the adult social care sector. It is based on generic descriptions of the roles and their responsibilities.


Employing people with disabilities

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This guide provides the support you need to recruit and retain a diverse and talented workforce by supporting disabled people into employment. 

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These key cards address common misconceptions about employing people with disabilities. Read myths, facts and tips to help you 


Employing Young People

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This checklist guides employers through what they should do when employing 16 and 17 year olds. The right employee, who has the right values and behaviours, can provide fresh thinking, challenge status quo and support with succession planning.

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This document shares information on what in important to Gen Z and how we can best promote a social care career to them.
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This document shares tips on attracting employees from different generational groups.
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Work experience can bring lots of benefits to adult social careemployers, and give people who are interested in joining oursector the opportunity to experience what it’s really like.


Case studies 

Our case studies profile how locally based-programmes can support people from non-traditional backgrounds into the care profession, from the perspectives of the programme operators, local care employers, and the candidates themselves. Case studies are from the Leeds City Council’s Step into Care programme and Upturn Enterprise and Outreach Community & Residential’s Transforming Lives and Communities programme.


Gillian said she used to recruit new staff using a traditional application and interview process explaining how challenging it could be such as finding time. Gillian also explains that candidates often had very different expectations about what working in care involved.

Read Gillian's case study

Devon Watson entered the Step into Care programme almost three years ago now and he can say wholeheartedly that it has changed his life for the better.

Read Devon's case study

Szczepan explains programme has been an excellent way of recruiting people. The process can be fast and efficient, as once a successful candidate is selected they bring them into the organisation quickly, whilst receiving the necessary information along with the checks carried out by LCC.

Read Szczepan's case study

Shahida says that she is acutely aware that on any given day there are around 800 to 900 vacancies in the social care sector in Leeds. Shahida says: “Our aim is to remove barriers of entry for the social care sector and help people with the right values, behaviours and attitudes join the workforce.”

Read Shahida's case study

Maria is the Director of Human Resources Management at Upturn Enterprise, a not-for-profit social enterprise helping people and businesses in the local community. She has supported a range of people who face barriers to employment in finding fufilling and enjoyable roles.

Read Maria's case study.

Before she becoming involved with Upturn Enterprise, Dawn had not been in employment for over 10 years due to a range of external factors. With their support, she now has a fufilling and enjoyable career. She advises others, “Just go for it. You won’t be disappointed. If you feel you have the right values or if you care at home, you can care in the community.”

Read Dawn's case study



Learn from others 

Read what other organisations have been doing to recruit from under-represented groups: